We try our best to ship goods to you as soon as possible. On an average, it takes us about 5 business days to ship goods out of our warehouse in Bhubaneswar.
Why does the delivery date not correspond to the delivery timeline of X-Y business days?
It is possible that our courier partners have holiday(s) between the day your placed your order and the date of delivery, which is based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, we add those number of days to the estimated date. Some courier partners do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates.
What is the estimated delivery time?
We generally ship the items within the time specified on the product page.
Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.
Delivery period usually depends on following factors.
1. Product's availability
2. The destination to which you want the order to be shipped